

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

RTA announces fabulous prizes to mark the 6th Public Transport Day 01 November 2015

The Roads and Transport Authority has unveiled diverse activities and contests carrying rich prizes to mark the 6th Public Transport Day 2015 (on 1st November each year).

 Events along with a series of prize draws will be kicked off on 20 October until date of the event.  

Dr. Yousef Al Ali, CEO of RTA’s Public Transport Agency and Head of Public Transport Day Committee said: “This year, we are keen to ensure that the events of Public Transport Day are unique and excellent. Prizes would be given to 50 winners, with 10 winners selected in each prize category. Winners would be selected from the most frequent users of RTA’s public transport means who would be identified through NOL cards.”

The first winner, who will collect 1000 points or more, will get a gold bar weighing 100 grams. The runner-up, who has to amass 750 points or more, will be rewarded with a Mac Computer. The third, who collects 500 points or more, will get an Apple Watch, the fourth winner (350 points or more) will get a headphone, and the fifth winner (250 points or more) will get a Gold NOL Card. Points will be computed at a rate of 50 points per trip. The RTA will conduct a daily draw on two gold bars, each weighing 50 grams at the metro stations starting from 20th October up to 1st  November.

The RTA will conduct a daily draw on two gold bars, each weighing 50gm at metro stations starting from October 20 up to November 1.

Capture your selfies aboard Public Transport , to become Lucky Winner

The RTA has also unveiled the Hidden Envelopes contest (Find it. Share it. Find it) where 30 envelopes will be concealed in public transport. A draw will be made for 10 of the most frequent users of mass transit means who capture selfies aboard public transport means and post them along with the hashtag of the event (#PTD2015). The winner will be contacted to collect the prize instantly.

Public transport users who are unlucky in the Hidden Envelopes Contest can take selfies with any public transport means and post them along with the hashtag of the event (#PTD2015) to qualify for a draw for 10 winners. Winners will get fantastic prizes such as GoPro Cameras, Beats Headphones, smart wrist watches (Fitbits), and self-balancing scooters. The public will be briefed about the locations of these envelopes on board the public transport means through RTA's pages on social media channels.

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